
Ask a Question

Is there a way to update linkedid on mobile sdks?

Is there any way to update linkedid without calling getVisitorID() again?


Update JS Agent?

How update JS Agent CDN to latest version?


Is visitor ID from Fingerprint Pro case sensitive?

Would it be possible for 2 different visitor ID to have the same value when uppercased?


Event API Versioning

Does the Event API support versioning?


Firefox browser

I have the following error in the Firefox browser, and I haven't been able to resolve it:
Error fetching visitor ID: Error: Failed to load the JS script of the agent.


Does fingerprint webhook will return both V4 and V6 IP details if these are found.

I have tested in my mobile. fingerprint will always used to return V4 even though If I have V6 IP as well.


Export to SW

Is there any supported way to sync fingerprint identification eventas to a data warehouse, or must we write something from scratch using the API?



what if i send 10 request from different device . Will i get the visitorID for all requests ? even my plan support only 5 rps. On what basis this limit works?


Identify app usage and browser usage from same device

I have a usecase where i want to track user across mobile browser and app. Is there a ID or signal which can be used to identify this?


Cloudflare CAA verification

When we add Cname of fingerprint js in our DNS manager its not getting verified. so we thought it could be the CAA verification problem but when we added the CAA to DNS still its not working.