Related Visitors API - Associate multiple browsers and/or in-app webviews to a single device
Regional setting, language & font
Currently, we are evaluating the FingerPrintPro library to ensure that it meets our requirements. We have noticed that it generates the same DFP after changing the language and regional settings on the machine.
Distinguish facebook
what is accuracy browser and android device will generate the same fingerprint?
browser fingerprint and device fingerprint , I am getting different in android and but in ios we are getting same why
Can you understand Chinese?
Is there a way to update linkedid on mobile sdks?
Is there any way to update linkedid without calling getVisitorID() again?
Update JS Agent?
How update JS Agent CDN to latest version?
Is visitor ID from Fingerprint Pro case sensitive?
Would it be possible for 2 different visitor ID to have the same value when uppercased?
Event API Versioning
Does the Event API support versioning?
Firefox browser
I have the following error in the Firefox browser, and I haven't been able to resolve it:
Error fetching visitor ID: Error: Failed to load the JS script of the agent.