JavaScript agent

Fingerprint Platform JavaScript browser SDK. Not supported in Node.js, requires web browser to work.

The client-side agent is a high-performance JavaScript agent that collects multiple device and browser signals and sends them to the Fingerprint Platform API for processing, identification, and bot detection.


Integrations and SDKs

For a list of supported integrations, see Integrations.
We also have frontend SDKs for the popular JavaScript frameworks and Backend SDKs for working with our Server API.

Installing the agent + quick usage examples

There are various ways to install the agent; the API stays the same no matter which one you choose.

Note: If you're on the Fingerprint Enterprise plan, confirm with our support team the correct installation method for you.


This is the easiest way to start. It's also known as ESM import. Add the following HTML code to your page:

  // Initialize the agent once at web application startup.
  // Alternatively initialize as early on the page as possible.
  const fpPromise = import('<<browserToken>>')
    .then(FingerprintJS => FingerprintJS.load())

  // Analyze the visitor when necessary.
    .then(fp => fp.get())
    .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))

Put your public API key to the URL (right after /v3/). You can get an API key at An example script URL where the key is qwerty:

Alternatively, you can use a synchronous code that pauses the other scripts during loading and therefore is not recommended:

<script src="<<browserToken>>/iife.min.js"></script>
  // Initialize the agent at application startup.
  var fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load()

  // Analyze the visitor when necessary.
    .then(fp => fp.get())
    .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))

UMD installation method designed for module loaders like RequireJS is also available:

  FingerprintJS => {
    // Initialize an agent.
    const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load()

    // Analyze the visitor when necessary.
      .then(fp => fp.get())
      .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))


We don't recommend copying these JS files from to your codebase because you may miss critical updates. If you absolutely must host all JavaScript resources yourself, please reach out to our support at [email protected] for a solution.


First install the agent NPM package:

npm install @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro
yarn add @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro

Then import the package into your code:

import * as FingerprintJS from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro'

// Initialize an agent at application startup.
const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ apiKey: '<<browserToken>>' })

// Analyze the visitor when necessary.
  .then(fp => fp.get())
  .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))

We recommend typing import * as FingerprintJS from instead of import FingerprintJS from because the * variant allows excluding the unused code from your application by tree-shaking.

The NPM package comes with a TypeScript declaration for a better development experience. The package can be used with various module bundlers such as Webpack, Rollup.js or Browserify. If you have a TypeScript error that occurs in the FingerprintJS file, see the TypeScript support section.

Alternatively, you can use the legacy CommonJS standard:

const FingerprintJS = require('@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro')

// Initialize an agent at application startup.
const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ apiKey: '<<browserToken>>' })

// Analyze the visitor when necessary.
  .then(fp => fp.get())
  .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))


NPM package connects to our CDN for updates

When you call FingerprintJS.load(), the NPM package connects to our CDN and downloads the latest fingerprinting logic at runtime. We routinely update our fingerprinting agent to keep up with the latest changes in browsers, ad blockers, and fraud techniques. This ensures the highest possible identification accuracy without the need to frequently update your NPM dependencies and redeploy your application.

Initializing the agent

The JS agent has 2 methods: load() and get().

The load() method returns a promise that resolves to an agent instance. Use it to initialize the agent:

  • When using the CDN, call import() to download the JS agent a then load() on the result to get a promise of the JS agent instance.
  • When using the NPM package, call load() to download the latest client-side logic and and get a promise of the JS instance.

Once you have JS agent instance promise, you can resolve it and call get() to send an identification requests to Fingerprint API.

  // Initilize the agent with load()
  const fpPromise = import('<<browserToken>>')
    .then(FingerprintJS => FingerprintJS.load())

    .then(fp => fp.get())
    .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))
import * as FingerprintJS from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro'

// Initilize the agent with load()
const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ apiKey: '<<browserToken>>' })

  .then(fp => fp.get())
  .then(result => console.log(result.requestId, result.visitorId))

Note that both agent-download and get-result HTTP requests can be blocked by ad blockers if you call our CDN or API directly. See Protecting the JavaScript agent from ad-blockers for a detailed breakdown of available solutions.

load() options

To configure the agent, pass parameters into the “load” function.


Required: yes for NPM installation
Type: string

Your public API key to authenticate the agent. You can get one at If you login into this documentation portal through the dashboard, you will be able to see your personal API key in the example below.

Example usage:

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ apiKey: "<<browserToken>>" })

The parameter is required for the NPM installation method and optional for the CDN (where the key is a part of the URL).


Required: no
Default: us
Available values: us, eu and ap

Use this parameter to specify the region you picked for your application during registration (defaults to us).

The Fingerprint Platform CDN can usually determine the region automatically using your API Key. Nevertheless, we recommend you specify it explicitly. Our proxy integrations like Cloudflare, CloudFront, and Azure rely on the region parameter, as they do not have access to the same internal API that our CDN does. Even if you use our CDN, specifying the region explicitly will keep your JS agent working correctly if our internal API is temporarily disrupted.

The parameter is ignored when both the endpoint and tlsEndpoint parameters are used.


const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ region: 'eu' })


Required: no
Default: (depends on the region)
Type: string | string[]

This parameter should only be used with the Custom subdomain or a cloud proxy integration like Cloudflare, CloudFront, or Azure. Specify your custom endpoint URL here.

Multiple endpoints can be set using an array. The JS agent will try to send the request with the first endpoint, and if the request fails, retry the request with the second endpoint, and so on. Use FingerprintJS.defaultEndpoint to fall back to the default endpoint.

import * as FingerprintJS from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro'

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({
  apiKey: 'your-public-api-key',
  endpoint: [
    '', // This endpoint will be used primarily
    FingerprintJS.defaultEndpoint, // The default endpoint will be used if the primary fails

JS agent will throw an error if an empty array is given.


Required: no
Default: (a subpath of the endpoint)
Type: string | string[]
Since: v3.1.0

As of JS Agent version 3.8.22, this option has been deprecated and will likely be removed in the next major version.

Your custom TLS endpoint URL address.

Multiple endpoints can be set with an array. The JS agent will try to send the request with the first endpoint, and if the request fails, retry the request with the second endpoint, and so on. Use FingerprintJS.defaultTlsEndpoint to fall back to the default endpoint.


Required: no
Default: false
Type: string
Since: v3.4.0

As of JS Agent version 3.8.22, this option has been deprecated and will likely be removed in the next major version.

Set to true to disable the extra TLS request. This is not recommended as it will negatively affect your identification accuracy.


Required: no
Default: false
Type: boolean
Since: v3.10.0

Set to true to enable the collection of data for identifying the use of remote control tools. It is recommended to implement a delay between the load() and get() to improve detection accuracy, if feasible.


Required: no
Default: '_vid'
Type: string

Name of key to store data in visitor browsers. The data is stored in cookies and local storage. You shouldn't change this parameter once your code runs in production. The change will cause the data in visitor browsers to be purged which will decrease the identification accuracy.


Only for NPM installation
Required: no
Default: '<version>/<apiKey>/loader_v<loaderVersion>.js'
Type: string | string[]
Since: v3.6.0

By default, the JS agent downloads the code from our CDN. The scriptUrlPattern option overrides this default by providing a pattern of the URL from where the JS agent downloads the latest code at runtime. This is commonly used in two scenarios:

JS agent automatically substitutes the following substrings in the provided scriptUrlPattern string:

  • <version> — the major version of the JS agent;
  • <apiKey> — the public key set via the apiKey parameter;
  • <loaderVersion> — the exact version of the @fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro package.

You can set multiple endpoints using an array. The JS agent will try to download the code from the first URL, and if it fails, retry to download with the second URL, and so on. Use FingerprintJS.defaultScriptUrlPattern to fall back to the default URL.

import * as FingerprintJS from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro'

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({
  apiKey: 'your-public-api-key',
  scriptUrlPattern: [
    // This endpoint will be used primarily

    // The default endpoint will be used if the primary fails

Analyzing the visitor

Once an agent instance is initialized, you can start analyzing the visitor. The analysis can involve identification or, with the help of our server side methods, Smart Signals. You are free to analyze at any time.

You can configure Fingerprint Platform to receive the visitor data in the browser, on the server (pushed via webhooks or fetched through our Server API), or both.

Below are a few examples of different analysis approaches.

Automatic mode

In many cases, you will use the automatic mode, because it's the simplest way to get started. The agent will identify the visitor on every page load. You don't need to do anything else. Just add the fp.get() call as soon as the agent is loaded:

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load(/* ... */)
const fp = await fpPromise
const result = await fp.get()

You can use both async/await and promises to get the visitor data. Example of using promises:

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load(/* ... */)
  .then(fp => fp.get())
  .then(result => console.log(result.requestId))

When get() is called, a FingerprintJS server will send a webhook request to your server (once configured). You can also query the Server API to retrieve the visitor data using the requestId value.

Manual mode

Manual mode provides more granular control over when the analysis is performed. When you actually need to get visitor data (on a signup event, for example), call the .get() method to get the data.

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load(/* ... */)

document.querySelector('#ad').addEventListener('click', async () => {
  const fp = await fpPromise
  const result = await fp.get()
const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load(/* ... */)

document.querySelector('#ad').addEventListener('click', () => {
    .then(fp => fp.get())
    .then(result => console.log(result.visitorId))

get() options


Required: no
Default: false
Type: boolean

Two types of responses are supported: default and extended. You don't need to pass any parameters to get the default response. Extended result format includes geolocation, incognito mode, and other information. It can be requested by setting the extendedResult parameter to true. See more details about the responses here.


Required: no
Default: (depends on the API key)
Type: string[]
Since: v3.7.0

As of JS Agent version 3.9.3, this option has been deprecated and will likely be removed in the next major version.

You can enable or disable Fingerprint products that will handle this request. Using this option does not affect billing in any way.


Required: no
Default: undefined
Type: string
Constraint: the number of characters must not exceed 256

linkedId is a way of linking the current analysis event with a custom identifier. This will allow you to filter visit information when using the Server API.

// Making an API call
var orderId = 3936532456
fp.get({ linkedId: orderId })
// linkedId will be saved with this event and will be available to be queried later.

To learn more about tag and linkedId use cases, see Linking and tagging information.


Required: no
Default: undefined
Type: any simple value or an object (not arrays)
Constraint: the size must not exceed 16KB

tag is a customer-provided value or an object that is saved with the identification event and returned back to you in a webhook message or Server API response. You can use tag to associate the visit event with other information you have about the visitor.

You can use any simple value (string, number, boolean) or an object. An object is saved as provided. A simple value (for example 123) is returned wrapped in an object like this: { "tag": 123 }.

Examples of using the tag option:

fp.get({ tag: 123 });
fp.get({ tag: "signup" });
fp.get({ tag: { id: "456", location: { city: "Atlanta", country: "US" }});

What comes back in a webhook or Server API response:

  "visitorId": "nTxJ28Gt4CegeAwdWELL",
  "tag": { "tag": 123 },
  // ...
  "visitorId": "nTxJ28Gt4CegeAwdWELL",
  "tag": { "tag": "signup" },
  // ...
  "visitorId": "nTxJ28Gt4CegeAwdWELL",
  "tag": {
    "id": "456",
    "location": {
      "city": "Atlanta",
      "country": "US"
  // ...

To learn more about tag and linkedId use cases, see Linking and tagging information.


Required: no
Default: 10000
Type: number

Client timeout controls the total time (both client-side and server-side) that any analysis event can run. It doesn't include the time when the page is in the background (not visible) because the browser may suspend the analysis process during that time. By default, it's 10 seconds. You can set the client-side timeout in milliseconds using the timeout option. Example usage:

// A timeout of 20 seconds
// An example of the client-side timeout handling
try {
  const result = await fp.get({ timeout: 20000 })
  // ...
} catch (error) {
  if (error.message === FingerprintJS.ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT) {
    console.log("A timeout of 20 seconds exceeded")


Note that setting a low timeout (less than 2000ms) could increase identification failures on weaker devices with slower internet connections.

get() response

fp.get() returns a promise that resolves to an object. The object format depends on the extendedResult option. The format summary:

await fp.get()
// response:
  "requestId": "8nbmT18x79m54PQ0GvPq",
  "visitorId": "2JGu1Z4d2J4IqiyzO3i4",
  "visitorFound": true,
  "confidence": { "score": 0.995 }
await fp.get({ extendedResult: true })
// response:
  "requestId": "8nbmT18x79m54PQ0GvPq",
  "visitorId": "2JGu1Z4d2J4IqiyzO3i4",
  "visitorFound": true,
  "confidence": { "score": 0.995 },
  "ip": "",
  // ipLocation: This field is deprecated and will not return a result for applications created after January 23rd, 2024. 
  // See IP Geolocation ( for a replacement 
  // available in our Smart Signals product.
  "ipLocation": { 
    "accuracyRadius": 10,
    "latitude": 47.3925,
    "longitude": 8.4546,
    "postalCode": "8010",
    "timezone": "Europe/Zurich",
    "city": {
      "name": "Zurich"
    "continent": {
      "code": "EU",
      "name": "Europe"
    "country": {
      "code": "CH",
      "name": "Switzerland"
    "subdivisions": [
        "isoCode": "ZH",
        "name": "Zurich"
  "browserName": "Chrome",
  "browserVersion": "75.0.3770",
  "os": "Mac OS X",
  "osVersion": "10.14.5",
  "device": "Other",
  "incognito": false,
  "firstSeenAt": {
    "global": "2022-03-16T11:26:45.362Z",
    "subscription": "2022-03-16T11:31:01.101Z"
  "lastSeenAt": {
    "global": "2022-03-16T11:28:34.023Z",
    "subscription": null

When the identification product is disabled, all the fields except requestId are replaced with default values.

Response fields:


Required: yes
Type: string

The request identifier is unique for every request. Use it to request information about a specific identification request from the Server API.


Required: yes
Type: string

The browser identifier (or device identifier for mobile platforms)

The field will contain an empty string if the visitor can't be identified, for example, a search bot. If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Required: yes
Type: boolean

If true, it means this visitor has already appeared in and identified for your application.

If false, it means this is the first time the visitor has appeared in your application.

You can use firstSeenAt to get a precise timestamp of the browser's very first visit to your application. On the other hand, lastSeenAt represents this browser's most recent visit to your application.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Required: yes
Type: { score: number, comment?: string }

A number between 0 and 1 that represents the probability of accurate identification. The higher the number, the higher the chance of the visitor identifier being true. To learn more about how Fingerprint calculates this value, see Understanding your confidence score.


Required: no
Type: string (base64-encoded binary data)

See more details in the Sealed Client Results guide. The field will miss if Sealed Client Results are disabled or unavailable for another reason.


Required: no
Type: { hiddenFields: string[], comment?: string }

See more details in the Zero Trust Mode guide.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: boolean

Whether the visitor is in incognito/private mode.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: string

Browser name. Examples: 'Safari', 'Chrome'.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: string

Browser version. Example: '78.0.3904'.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: string

Device. For desktop/laptop devices, the value will be "Other". Example: 'Samsung SM-J330F'.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: string

IP address. Only IPv4 addresses are returned.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: no
Type: object

This field is deprecated and will not return a result for applications created after January 23rd, 2024. See IP Geolocation for a replacement available in our Smart Signals product.

IP address location. Can be empty for anonymous proxies. The value type:

  accuracyRadius?: number
  latitude?: number
  longitude?: number
  timezone?: string
  postalCode?: string
  city?: {
    name: string
  subdivisions?: {
    isoCode: string
    name: string
  country?: {
    code: string
    name: string
  continent?: {
    code: string
    name: string

If the identification product is disabled, the value is absent.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: string

Operating system name. Examples: 'Mac OS X', 'Android'.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: string

Operating system version. Examples: '10.13.6'.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: { subscription: string | null, global: string | null }

The very first time a browser appeared in your application. See Visitor Footprint Timestamps for more information.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.


Only when extendedResult is true
Required: yes
Type: { subscription: string | null, global: string | null }

The most recent instance (i.e. before this request) the browser visited your application. See Visitor Footprint Timestamps for more information.

If the identification product is disabled, a dummy value is used.

Error handling

JavaScript agent's load and get methods return a promise which will be rejected in case of an error. The table below summarizes the possible types of errors.

ErrorShort description
FingerprintJS.ERROR_NETWORK_CONNECTIONFingerprint server connection error. Probably caused by an ad blocker. How to protect from ad blockers.
FingerprintJS.ERROR_NETWORK_ABORTFingerprint server request is aborted
FingerprintJS.ERROR_API_KEY_MISSINGPublic API key is missing
FingerprintJS.ERROR_API_KEY_INVALIDPublic API key is invalid
FingerprintJS.ERROR_API_KEY_EXPIREDPublic API key is expired
FingerprintJS.ERROR_BAD_REQUEST_FORMATBad Fingerprint server request data. Can be caused by a wrong TLS endpoint.
FingerprintJS.ERROR_BAD_RESPONSE_FORMATBad Fingerprint server response data. Can be caused by a wrong endpoint.
FingerprintJS.ERROR_GENERAL_SERVER_FAILUREGeneral request server side failure
FingerprintJS.ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUTClient side timeout
FingerprintJS.ERROR_SERVER_TIMEOUTServer request times out
FingerprintJS.ERROR_RATE_LIMITRequest rate limit is exceeded
FingerprintJS.ERROR_FORBIDDEN_ORIGINAnalysis request is blocked due to a forbidden origin (see request filtering)
FingerprintJS.ERROR_FORBIDDEN_HEADERAnalysis request is blocked due to a forbidden HTTP header (see request filtering)
FingerprintJS.ERROR_FORBIDDEN_ENDPOINTAnalysis request is blocked due to a forbidden endpoint. Probably because the default endpoint is used instead of the custom subdomain.
FingerprintJS.ERROR_WRONG_REGIONThe region set in the agent options doesn't match the region that was used to create your application
FingerprintJS.ERROR_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_ACTIVEYour application hasn't been activated in the dashboard
FingerprintJS.ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSIONThe JS agent version is not supported
FingerprintJS.ERROR_SCRIPT_LOAD_FAILFailed to load the JS agent code. The error is available only for NPM installation.
FingerprintJS.​ERROR_INSTALLATION_METHOD_RESTRICTEDThe JS agent installation method is not allowed
FingerprintJS.ERROR_CSP_BLOCKBlocked by the Content Security Policy of the page
FingerprintJS.ERROR_INTEGRATION_FAILUREFailure on the integration side
FingerprintJS.ERROR_INVALID_ENDPOINTThe given endpoint is not a valid URL

With the exception of ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT, ERROR_NETWORK_CONNECTION ERROR_NETWORK_ABORT, ERROR_SCRIPT_LOAD_FAIL and ERROR_CSP_BLOCK, all the errors described above will include the requestId field. The methods can also throw other unexpected errors, they should be treated as agent bugs.

Error handling example:

const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ /* ... */ })

try {
  const fp = await fpPromise
  const result = await fp.get()
} catch (error) {
  switch (error.message) {
      console.log('Unknown server error. Request id:', error.requestId)
    case FingerprintJS.ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT:
      console.log('Analysis time limit of 10 seconds is exceeded')
      console.log('Other error')
const fpPromise = FingerprintJS.load({ /* ... */ })

  .then(fp => fp.get())
  .then(result => console.log(result.visitorId))
  .catch(error => {
    switch (error.message) {
        console.log('Unknown server error. Request id:', error.requestId)
      case FingerprintJS.ERROR_CLIENT_TIMEOUT:
        console.log('Identification time limit of 10 seconds is exceeded')
        console.log('Other error')

Ad blockers

Ad blockers can prevent the JS agent from loading at all. This usually results in a net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT error in the console. We offer a variety of proxy integrations to avoid this issue. See Protecting the JavaScript agent from ad blockers for a list of solutions.


Two types of timeouts are possible: a server timeout and a client timeout.

Server timeout

The server timeout is fixed at 10 seconds of server-side processing time. If server-side processing exceeds 10 seconds for any reason, the promise will be rejected.

Client timeout

Client timeout controls the total time (both client-side and server-side) that any analysis event is allowed to run. By default, it's 10 seconds. Note that even if the client-side timeout is exceeded, the server-side request can still be running, and its results will be sent to you via a webhook if enabled.

Rate limiting

Every application API key has a rate limit. It means that you cannot make more requests per second than your rate limit allows. Paid applications have a limit of 5 requests per second, which you can increase by emailing [email protected].

Whenever the rate limit is exceeded, the request is throttled and an ERROR_RATE_LIMIT error is thrown.

Retrying after an error

JS agent retries automatically in case of failure. If you want the agent to make more attempts, increase the timeout. If you want to retry with another endpoint, set an array of endpoints in the JS agent option (see options: scriptUrlPattern, endpoint, and tlsEndpoint).

We don't recommend implementing your own retry mechanism around the JS agent because it can lead to excessive consumption of paid API calls.

Supported browsers

The JS agent supports all popular browsers. See more details and learn how to run the agent in old browsers in the browser support guide.

TypeScript support

JS agent officially supports TypeScript version 5.1 but may work with newer and older versions of TypeScript. If you face a TypeScript error that occurs in a .d.ts file provided by FingerprintJS (example 1, example 2), consider any of these solutions:

  • Update the TypeScript package in your project to version 5.1 or newer

    npm i typescript@^5.1
    # or
    yarn add typescript@^5.1
  • Prevent TypeScript from using the library types. Replace

    import ... from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro'


    import ... from '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro/dist/fp.esm.min'

    in your .ts files, and add the following line to a .d.ts file (if there is no such file, create one anywhere with any name):

    declare module '@fingerprintjs/fingerprintjs-pro/dist/fp.esm.min'