
This page provides an overview of server-to-server network communication known as 'webhooks.'

What is a webhook?

A webhook is when Fingerprint makes an HTTP POST request to your application’s API when an event occurs. This way, Fingerprint is able to immediately notify you when an event occurs and your application doesn’t have to perform complicated polling to determine if something new happened. Webhooks are asynchronous and don't incur performance overhead when enabled.



When multiple webhooks are enabled, events are delivered to each of them simultaneously.

Protecting your webhook

There are two ways of protecting your webhook: basic HTTP authentication and unique URLs.

1 - HTTP basic authentication

An easy way to protect your API is through basic HTTP authentication. Almost all web servers can be configured to require a _username _and _password _to access a URL.

2 - Unique URL

A URL can be unique and no one except you should know it. This doesn't secure the URL itself but it won't be searchable on the internet. To ensure your data is encrypted, we require using HTTPS for all webhook communication.


Webhook occurs every time you make a device intelligence API request, by calling the JavaScript agent's get() method.

As soon as we receive the request, our servers process the received information and make an HTTP POST request to your webhook URL.

Registering the webhook

You can register webhooks from your Fingerprint account as follows:

  1. Log in to your Fingerprint account.
  2. Open your application.
  3. Navigate to App Settings -> Webhooks.

Screenshot of how to add a webhook in the Fingerprint dashboard

4 - Click New Webhook. A New Webhook window will be displayed.


Screenshot of the form required to create a new webhook

5 - Fill in the URL field. Note that a webhook must use an HTTPS domain. It cannot be an IP or a non-HTTPS domain. The rest of the fields in the New Webhook window, i.e. Basic authentication user, Basic authentication password and Description, are optional.



As in the screenshot above, webhooks are set to Active by default. You can manually deactivate your webhooks by toggling the Active switch off.

6 - Click Save.

Webhook object format.

The webhook format is shared between all activated products.
Fields can be specified as:

  • optional (can be absent)
  • nullable (can be null)
  • empty (can be empty: "" or {})

For example requestId is not optional, it can't be null, it can't be empty.


Smart Signals Fields

The set of features exposed in the root object is determined by the pricing tier of your subscription. suspectScore, rootApps, tampering, proxy, vpn, tor, ipBlocklist, bot, ipInfo, emulator, clonedApp, factoryReset, jailbroken, frida, privacySettings, virtualMachine and rawDeviceAttributes fields are unavailable on the basic Pro tier.

Webhook format exposes the same Smart Signals information as our /events endpoint. The response payload is based on the originating platform (browser, iOS SDK, Android SDK) and feature availability. See our Smart Signals cheat sheet for a complete overview.

JSON example:

    // Unique request identifier
    // maxLength: 20
    "requestId": "Px6VxbRC6WBkA39yeNH3",
    // customer-provided data, for example requestType and yourCustomId
    // both the tag and the information it contains are optional
    // and only for the customer's need.
    // optional, maxLength: 16KB
    "tag": {
        "requestType": "signup",
        "yourCustomId": 45321
    // user-provided scalar identifier
    // optional,maxLength: 256
    "linkedId": "any-string",
    // persistent visitor identifier
    // helpful to detect anonymous or private mode users
    // maxLength: 20
    "visitorId": "3HNey93AkBW6CRbxV6xP",
    // tells whether a visitor was found in a visits history
    "visitorFound": true,
    // timestamp in milliseconds (since unix epoch)
    "timestamp": 1554910997788,
    // time in RFC3339 format
    "time": "2019-04-10T15:43:17.788Z",
    // if the page view was made in incognito or private mode
    "incognito": false,
    // URL where the API was called in the browser
    // empty maxLength: 4096
    "url": "https://banking.example.com/signup",
    // The URL of a client-side referrer
    // optional, maxLength: 4096
    "clientReferrer": "https://google.com?search=banking+services",
    // maxLength: 40
    "ip": "",
    // empty
    // This field is deprecated and will not return a result for applications created after January 23rd, 2024
    // See https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/smart-signals-overview#ip-geolocation for a replacement in our Smart Signals product
    "ipLocation": {
        // kilometers
        // optional
        "accuracyRadius": 1,
        // optional
        "city": {
            // empty, maxLength: 4096
            "name": "Bolingbrook"
        // optional
        "continent": {
            // empty, maxLength: 2
            "code": "NA",
            // empty, maxLength: 40
            "name": "North America"
        // optional
        "country": {
            // empty, maxLength: 2
            "code": "US",
            // empty, maxLength: 250
            "name": "United States"
        // optional
        "latitude": 41.12933,
        // optional
        "longitude": -88.9954,
        // optional, maxLength: 40
        "postalCode": "60547",
        // optional
        "subdivisions": [
                // empty, maxLength: 250
                "isoCode": "IL",
                // empty, maxLength: 250
                "name": "Illinois"
        // optional, maxLength: 250
        "timezone": "America/Chicago"
    "browserDetails": {
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserName": "Chrome",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserFullVersion": "73.0.3683.86",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserMajorVersion": "73",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "os": "Mac OS X",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "osVersion": "10.14.3",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "device": "Other",
        // empty, maxLength: 4096
        "userAgent": "(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) Chrome/73.0.3683.86"
    // optional
    "confidence": {
        // 0 - 1
        "score": 0.97
    "firstSeenAt": {
        // nullable
        "global": "2022-03-16T11:26:45.362Z",
        // nullable
        "subscription": "2022-03-16T11:31:01.101Z"
    "lastSeenAt": {
        // nullable
        "global": "2022-03-16T11:28:34.023Z",
        // nullable
        "subscription": null
    // optional, maxLength: 4096
    "userAgent": "(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) Chrome/73.0.3683.86"
    // Unique request identifier
    // maxLength: 20
    "requestId": "Px6VxbRC6WBkA39yeNH3",
    // customer-provided data, for example requestType and yourCustomId
    // both the tag and the information it contains are optional
    // and only for the customer's need.
    // optional, maxLength: 16KB
    "tag": {
        "requestType": "signup",
        "yourCustomId": 45321
    // user-provided scalar identifier
    // optional,maxLength: 256
    "linkedId": "any-string",
    // persistent visitor identifier
    // helpful to detect anonymous or private mode users
    // maxLength: 20
    "visitorId": "3HNey93AkBW6CRbxV6xP",
    // tells whether a visitor was found in a visits history
    "visitorFound": true,
    // timestamp in milliseconds (since unix epoch)
    "timestamp": 1554910997788,
    // time in RFC3339 format
    "time": "2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
    // if the page view was made in incognito or private mode
    "incognito": false,
    // URL where the API was called in the browser
    // empty maxLength: 4096
    "url": "https://banking.example.com/signup",
    // The URL of a client-side referrer
    // optional, maxLength: 4096
    "clientReferrer": "https://google.com?search=banking+services",
    // maxLength: 40
    "ip": "",
    // empty
    // This field is deprecated and will not return a result for applications created after January 23rd, 2024
    // See https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/smart-signals-overview#ip-geolocation for a replacement in our Smart Signals product
    "ipLocation": {
        // kilometers
        // optional
        "accuracyRadius": 1,
        // optional
        "city": {
            // empty, maxLength: 4096
            "name": "Bolingbrook"
        // optional
        "continent": {
            // empty, maxLength: 2
            "code": "NA",
            // empty, maxLength: 40
            "name": "North America"
        // optional
        "country": {
            // empty, maxLength: 2
            "code": "US",
            // empty, maxLength: 250
            "name": "United States"
        // optional
        "latitude": 41.12933,
        // optional
        "longitude": -88.9954,
        // optional, maxLength: 40
        "postalCode": "60547",
        // optional
        "subdivisions": [
                // empty, maxLength: 250
                "isoCode": "IL",
                // empty, maxLength: 250
                "name": "Illinois"
        // optional, maxLength: 250
        "timezone": "America/Chicago"
    "browserDetails": {
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserName": "Chrome",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserFullVersion": "73.0.3683.86",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserMajorVersion": "73",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "os": "Mac OS X",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "osVersion": "10.14.3",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "device": "Other",
        // empty, maxLength: 4096
        "userAgent": "(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) Chrome/73.0.3683.86"
    // optional
    "confidence": {
        // 0 - 1
        "score": 0.97
    "firstSeenAt": {
        // nullable
        "global": "2022-03-16T11:26:45.362Z",
        // nullable
        "subscription": "2022-03-16T11:31:01.101Z"
    "lastSeenAt": {
        // nullable
        "global": "2022-03-16T11:28:34.023Z",
        // nullable
        "subscription": null
    // optional, maxLength: 4096
    "userAgent": "(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) Chrome/73.0.3683.86",
    // optional, empty
    "ipInfo": {
      "v4": {
        "address": "",
        "geolocation": {
          "accuracyRadius": 20,
          "latitude": 50.05,
          "longitude": 14.4,
          "postalCode": "150 00",
          "timezone": "Europe/Prague",
          "city": {
            "name": "Prague"
          "country": {
            "code": "CZ",
            "name": "Czechia"
          "continent": {
            "code": "EU",
            "name": "Europe"
          "subdivisions": [
              "isoCode": "10",
              "name": "Hlavni mesto Praha"
      // optional, empty
      "asn": {
        // optional, empty
        "asn": "7922",
        // optional, empty
        "name": "COMCAST-7922",
        // optional, empty
        "network": ""
      "dataCenter": {
        "result": true,
        // optional, empty
        "name": "DediPath"
    // optional, empty
    "bot": {
        // "good" | "bad" | "notDetected"
        // See more info at https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/bot-detection-quick-start-guide
        "result": "notDetected"
    // optional, empty
    "vpn": {
        "result": false,
        "methods": {
            "timezoneMismatch": false,
            "publicVPN": false
    // optional, empty
    "tampering": {
        "result": false,
        "anomalyScore": 0
    // Indicates if anti-fingerprinting settings are enabled for Firefox and Brave browsers
    // optional, empty
    "privacySettings": {
        "result": false
    // Indicates if the request was initiated from a virtual machine
    // optional, empty
    "virtualMachine": {
        "result": false
    // Returns Suspect Score computed from other Smart Signals
    // See https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/suspect-score
    // optional, empty
    "suspectScore": {
        "result": 0
    // Unique request identifier
    // maxLength: 20
    "requestId": "Px6VxbRC6WBkA39yeNH3",
    // customer-provided data, for example requestType and yourCustomId
    // both the tag and the information it contains are optional
    // and only for the customer's need.
    // optional, maxLength: 16KB
    "tag": {
        "requestType": "signup",
        "yourCustomId": 45321
    // user-provided scalar identifier
    // optional,maxLength: 256
    "linkedId": "any-string",
    // persistent visitor identifier
    // helpful to detect anonymous or private mode users
    // maxLength: 20
    "visitorId": "3HNey93AkBW6CRbxV6xP",
    // tells whether a visitor was found in a visits history
    "visitorFound": true,
    // timestamp in milliseconds (since unix epoch)
    "timestamp": 1554910997788,
    // time in RFC3339 format
    "time": "2019-10-12T07:20:50.52Z",
    // if the page view was made in incognito or private mode
    "incognito": false,
    // URL where the API was called in the browser
    // empty maxLength: 4096
    "url": "https://banking.example.com/signup",
    // The URL of a client-side referrer
    // optional, maxLength: 4096
    "clientReferrer": "https://google.com?search=banking+services",
    // maxLength: 40
    "ip": "",
    // empty
    // This field is deprecated and will not return a result for applications created after January 23rd, 2024
    // See https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/smart-signals-overview#ip-geolocation for a replacement in our Smart Signals product
    "ipLocation": {
        // kilometers
        // optional
        "accuracyRadius": 1,
        // optional
        "city": {
            // empty, maxLength: 4096
            "name": "Bolingbrook"
        // optional
        "continent": {
            // empty, maxLength: 2
            "code": "NA",
            // empty, maxLength: 40
            "name": "North America"
        // optional
        "country": {
            // empty, maxLength: 2
            "code": "US",
            // empty, maxLength: 250
            "name": "United States"
        // optional
        "latitude": 41.12933,
        // optional
        "longitude": -88.9954,
        // optional, maxLength: 40
        "postalCode": "60547",
        // optional
        "subdivisions": [
                // empty, maxLength: 250
                "isoCode": "IL",
                // empty, maxLength: 250
                "name": "Illinois"
        // optional, maxLength: 250
        "timezone": "America/Chicago"
    "browserDetails": {
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserName": "Chrome",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserFullVersion": "73.0.3683.86",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "browserMajorVersion": "73",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "os": "Mac OS X",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "osVersion": "10.14.3",
        // empty, maxLength: 250
        "device": "Other",
        // empty, maxLength: 4096
        "userAgent": "(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) Chrome/73.0.3683.86"
    // optional
    "confidence": {
        // 0 - 1
        "score": 0.97
    "firstSeenAt": {
        // nullable
        "global": "2022-03-16T11:26:45.362Z",
        // nullable
        "subscription": "2022-03-16T11:31:01.101Z"
    "lastSeenAt": {
        // nullable
        "global": "2022-03-16T11:28:34.023Z",
        // nullable
        "subscription": null
    // optional, maxLength: 4096
    "userAgent": "(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_3) Chrome/73.0.3683.86",
    // optional, empty
    "ipInfo": {
      "v4": {
        "address": "",
        "geolocation": {
          "accuracyRadius": 20,
          "latitude": 50.05,
          "longitude": 14.4,
          "postalCode": "150 00",
          "timezone": "Europe/Prague",
          "city": {
            "name": "Prague"
          "country": {
            "code": "CZ",
            "name": "Czechia"
          "continent": {
            "code": "EU",
            "name": "Europe"
          "subdivisions": [
              "isoCode": "10",
              "name": "Hlavni mesto Praha"
        // optional, empty
        "asn": {
          // optional, empty
          "asn": "7922",
          // optional, empty
          "name": "COMCAST-7922",
          // optional, empty
          "network": ""
        "dataCenter": {
          "result": true,
          // optional, empty
          "name": "DediPath"
    // optional, empty
    "bot": {
        // "good" | "bad" | "notDetected"
        // See more info at https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/bot-detection-quick-start-guide
        "result": "notDetected"
    // optional, empty
    "rootApps": {
        "result": false
    // optional, empty
    "emulator": {
        "result": false
    // optional, empty
    "ipBlocklist": {
        "result": false,
        "details": {
            "emailSpam": false,
            "attackSource": false
    // optional, empty
    "tor": {
        "result": false
    // optional, empty
    "vpn": {
        "result": false,
        "methods": {
            "timezoneMismatch": false,
            "publicVPN": false
    // optional, empty
    "proxy": {
        "result": false
    // optional, empty
    "tampering": {
        "result": false,
        "anomalyScore": 0
    // Indicates if the request was initiated from a cloned app. Only for Android SDK.
    // optional, empty
    "clonedApp": {
        "result": false
    // Timestamp of when a factory reset is likely to have happened. Only for Mobile SDKs.
    // optional, empty
    "factoryReset": {
        "time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z",
        "timestamp": 0
    // Indicates if the device has been jailbroken. Only for iOS SDK.
    // optional, empty
    "jailbroken": {
        "result": false
    // Indicates if frida could have been used to tamper with the app. Only for Mobile SDKs. 
    // optional, empty
    "frida": {
        "result": false
    // Indicates if anti-fingerprinting settings are enabled for Firefox and Brave browsers
    // optional, empty
    "privacySettings": {
        "result": false
    // Indicates if the request was initiated from a virtual machine
    // optional, empty
    "virtualMachine": {
        "result": false
    // Raw attributes that were collected from the client's browser and that were used by 
    // Fingerprint to perform identification.
    // optional, empty
    "rawDeviceAttributes": {
        // Visit https://dev.fingerprint.com/reference/getevent to learn more about the
        // 'rawDeviceAttributes' object and all the possible values that it can contain.
    // Returns Suspect Score computed from other Smart Signals
    // See https://dev.fingerprint.com/docs/suspect-score
    // optional, empty
    "suspectScore": {
        "result": 0

An explanation of individual Smart Signals fields can be found in the Server API Documentation.

See more information on firstSeenAt/lastSeenAt timestamps here.

Testing your webhooks with CURL

Once you add the webhook to your system, you can test it as follows:

curl <your-webhook-url> \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{ "tag": 2718281828, "visitorId": "3HNey93AkBW6CRbxV6xP", /* remaining fields here */}'


Every request is retried once if it timed out or returned a non-2XX response. The retry will take place 5 minutes after the non-2XX response is received or 5 minutes after the timeout takes place.
The retry request will have the same request ID as the first request, so it's possible to use it as an idempotency key.

If you have multiple webhooks configured under one application, each request will be treated independently. This means if a timeout or non-2XX response takes place, a retry will only be triggered for the endpoint that caused the issue.

Timeout and errors

Fingerprint expects that integrations respond within 3 seconds of receiving the webhook payload with 2XX status code.
Otherwise, the webhook will be shown as failed on the Webhook events page, headers and response should be smaller than 4KB, otherwise, they're truncated.