Segment Data Integration

The Segment data integration allows you to use Fingerprint visitor identification data as a data source in Segment. It consists of an open-source Segment Source Function which receives the data through Fingerprint webhooks and normalizes them into Segment Specs.

Once your Fingerprint data is inside Segment, you can use it in any of your Segment destinations to detect suspicious activity, prevent fraud or personalize user experiences.


Requirements and limitations

  • You need to have the Fingerprint JavaScript agent installed on your website and configured to send data to Segment via Fingerprint webhooks. Installing Segment on your website directly is not required.
  • Mobile platforms are currently not supported. Reach out to our support if you have any questions.

How to set up

1. Import the Fingerprint Segment Source Function

  1. Log in to your Segment account.
  2. Navigate to Connections > Catalog and switch to the Functions tab.
  3. Click New Function.
  4. Select Source, then click Build.
  5. Replace the source code with the latest Fingerprint Segment source function.
  6. Click Configure, and enter a descriptive name, such as Fingerprint Source Function.
  7. Optionally, you can add a description and logo of your choice.
  8. Click Create Function.

You have successfully created a Segment Source Function.

2. Create a Segment Source connected to the Fingerprint Source function

Continuing from the previous step (or if you have closed the browser tab, go to Connections > Catalog > Functions > Fingerprint Source Function)

  1. Click Connect Source.
  2. Add a descriptive name, for example Fingerprint visitor identification events. Optionally, you can put labels of your choice.
  3. Click Continue, then Continue again, a finally Finish.

You have successfully created a Segment Source. The source overview page will show you the webhook URL. Keep it handy, you will need it in the next step.

3. Configure a Fingerprint webhook to send data to Segment

  1. Log in to your Fingerprint account.
  2. Go to App Settings > Webhooks.
  3. Click Add Webhook.
  4. Paste the webhook URL of your Source. (You can always find it in Segment > Connections > Sources > Your Fingerprint Source > Overview )
  5. Optionally, add a description, for example "Segment source". Do not set any authentication.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Send Test Event and wait for a confirmation that Segment successfully received the test event data. If you do not see the confirmation, check the webhook URL and try again. Sending the test event can take a minute or two.

You have successfully configured a Fingerprint webhook. For every visitor identification event, Fingerprint will now send the identification result to your Segment Source Function.

4. Configure the Fingerprint JavaScript Agent on your website

The Segment integration is not enabled by default. Your website must have the Fingerprint JS Agent installed and configured explicitly to use the Segment Integration.

  1. If you haven't already, install the Fingerprint JS Agent on your website, for example:
  // Load the JavaScript agent
  const fpPromise = import('')
    .then(FingerprintJS => FingerprintJS.load({ endpoint: ''}))

  // Analyze the visitor when necessary.
    .then(fp => fp.get())
    .then(result => console.log(result.visitorId))
  1. Insert a tag.integrations.segment object into the options of the JS agent's get method to enable your Segment integration. The Segment Source function will ignore identification events received from Fingerprint that do not include the tag.integrations.segment object. For more info about tag see the JS agent API Reference.
  fpPromise.then(fp =>
      tag: {
        integrations: {
          segment: {
            /* segment fields */
  1. Inside the segment object, define Segment Specs, like below:
const segmentFields = {
  skipIntegration: false,
  identify: {
    // ... identify spec fields
  page: {
    // ... page spec fields
  track: {
    // ... track spec fields
  group: {
    // ... group spec fields

You can use identify, page, group, and track for corresponding Specs. You can use any or all specs in a single request, the Identify Spec is sent even when omitted. You can use skipIntegration for skipping the segment integration entirely.

See How to use for more details on each spec.

Receiving and using the data

Now that the JS Agent and Segment Source are connected, the Specs should be flowing to your segment account as visitors come your website and are identified by Fingerprint.

You can debug the data coming in by going to Connections > Sources > Your Fingerprint Source > Debugger.
Set up some destinations to use the data, for example, Google Analytics, Castle, Mixpanel, or others that suit your business needs the best.

How to use

The Fingerprint Segment Source function creates Specs based on the the visitor identification result and the metadata you pass to the tag.integration.segment object.

Full Example
  tag: {
    integrations: {
      segment: {
        skipIntegration: false,
        identify: {
          userId: 'your_internal_ID_123456',
          traits: {
            name: 'Jon Doe',
        page: {
          category: 'Account',
          name: 'Update Password',
          properties: {
            path: '/account/password',
            referrer: '/account/home',
          context: {
            trial: true,
        track: {
          event: 'Plan Updated',
          properties: {
            currency: 'USD',
            value: '19.99'
        group: {
          groupId: '0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632',
          traits: {
            name: 'Fingerprint',
            industry: 'Tech',
            employees: 110,
  // ... more fields

Identify Spec

The Identify Spec lets you record who the visitor is and the traits you know about them. You can use the segment.identify field to pass your visitor metadata to Segment. This spec is always created based on the visitor identification result, even when you omit the identify field.

const segment = {
  identify: {
    userId: '123456',
    traits: {
      name: 'Jon Doe',

This is how fields in the Identify Spec are populated:

Identify Spec fieldSource field in Fingerprint result or metadata passed to segment.identify
anonymousIdresult.visitorId - Fingerprint visitorId
traits.visitorIdresult.visitorId - Fingerprint visitorId
traits.createdAtresult.firstSeenAt.subscription - time of the first visit recorded in your application
userIdidentify.userId - your internal user ID
traitsidentify.traits - any traits you want to record

Page Spec

The Page Spec lets you record whenever a user sees a page of your website, along with any optional properties about the page. It is defined by the page field.

const segment = {
  page: {
    category: 'Account',
    name: 'Update Password',
    properties: {
      path: '/account/password',
      referrer: '/account/home',
    context: {
      trial: true,

This is how fields in the Page Spec are populated:

Page Spec fieldSource field in Fingerprint result or metadata passed to segment
anonymousIdresult.visitorId - Fingerprint visitorId
userIdidentify.userId - your internal user ID
context.ipresult.ip - IP address
context.browserDetailsresult.browserDetails - Browser, OS name and version
context.incognitoresult.incognito - Incognito mode
context.confidenceScoreresult.confidenceScore - Confidence score
context.requestIdresult.requestId - ID of Fingerprint request
properties.urlresult.url - page URL
contextpage.context - any context you want to record - any properties you want to record

Track Spec

The Track Spec is how you record the actions your users perform, along with any properties that describe the action. It is defined by the track field.

const segment = {
  track: {
    event: 'Plan Updated',
    properties: {
      currency: 'USD',
      value: '19.99'

This is how fields in the Track Spec are populated:

Track Spec fieldSource field in Fingerprint result or metadata passed to segment.track
eventtrack.event - the event you’re tracking, required - any properties you want to record
anonymousIdresult.visitorId - Fingerprint visitorId
userIdidentify.userId - your internal user ID

⚠️ The event field is required to create a Track Spec.

Group Spec

The Group Spec is how you associate an individual user with a group, for example, a company, organization, account, project, or team. It is defined by the group field.

const segment = {
  group: {
    groupId: '0e8c78ea9d97a7b8185e8632',
    traits: {
      name: 'Fingerprint',
      industry: 'Tech',
      employees: 110,

This is how fields in the Group Spec are populated:

Group Spec fieldSource field in Fingerprint result or metadata passed to segment
groupIdgroup.groupId - the group ID you’re tracking, required
traitsgroup.traits - any grouptraits you want to record
anonymousIdresult.visitorId - Fingerprint visitorId
userIdidentify.userId - your internal user ID

⚠️ The groupId field is required to create a Group Spec.

Screen Spec

Screen Spec is currently not supported.

Skipping the integration

Set skipIntegration to true to prevent the source function from creating any Specs. Defaults to false.