Android API call allowance

Prevent fraud in your Android apps for free with Fingerprint device intelligence.

Pro Plus customers receive 500,000 free Android API calls per month. These API calls apply when using our Android SDK, React Native, or Flutter SDKs within an Android app.

How can I get access to the Android API call allowance?

New customers can start with our unlimited 14-day free trial and upon upgrading to our Pro Plus plan, the allowance will automatically be added to the subscription.

What are the limitations?

  • The Android API call allowance is limited to 500,000 Android API calls per billing cycle. Upon reaching the 500,000 limit within the billing cycle, Pro Plus customers can continue usage at a rate of $4 per additional 1,000 API calls.
  • The allowance is limited to 1 workspace per account.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Android API call allowance a permanent or limited-time offer?

Accounts created during the offer will retain this free usage cap permanently.

How will it work if I have API calls on both Android and iOS?

Billing will be separated by platform and billed accordingly, API calls from other platforms will count towards the original plan’s usage.

For more details on how identification API requests are billed, please refer to our documentation.

What happens if I exceed 500K Android API calls?

As your subscription nears the 500K Android API call limit, you will be alerted and prompted to upgrade to our Enterprise plan.

Upon reaching the 500,000 limit within the billing cycle, Pro Plus customers can continue usage at a rate of $4 per additional 1,000 API calls.

Is support included with the Android API call allowance?

Accounts receive access to our best-in-class developer documentation anytime, along with dedicated support available 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Is 500K free Android API calls a limit per app, email, domain, or company?

The API call limit applies per company. Only one workspace from each account is eligible for the offer.

Where can I check the free API usage?

API call usage will be available on the Plan page, with a breakdown by platform.